Mommy 20th September 2024

Guess what baby boy,? Mommy is freeeeee No more depression No more anxiety Yes there's sadness but God said weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning Yes I'm still angry but the word says be angry, but sin not I believe that standing on the word of God instead of the word of self doubt, suicide and self destruction! This is my testimony Teddy. No more worrying. You are Great, right with our Father Now it's time to 🪜 into the Greatness, the 💵💳💸 Prosperity, the businesses, the announced marriage, The work of the Lorrrrrrrd MINISTRIES 📇🏘️🏘️🏘️ 🤼‍♀️👨‍👦‍👦👵🏾👩‍👩‍👦 Families Being Saved!!!! Hallelujah