When things seemed normal

2013 July 13

Created by Ena 11 years ago
I remember those days when things seemed so hard. You couldn't find a job, you was making wrong decisions (I guess normal teenage ones, but to a single mother, you kept me up many nights Teddy). I remember the days where my biggest worry was why you was late for curfew. Why you and your brother kept fighting over the remote. Why it seemed like cooking dinner that night would be such a chore and I thanked God for living in Midtown so I can order chinese to be delivered, even if it did break into my weekly budget. You know me, I know how to work a dollar, I would just go without something that week. That's what parents are supposed to do. I didn't mind. I miss those normal times. I miss not waking up and having to pray, God please don't let me have an anxiety attack today. Most of all..... I miss you Teddy. Let me feel you today. I love you....
