It hurts so bad....
2013 August 10
Created by Ena 11 years ago
It hurts so very bad. I'm so tired of hearing those say that time makes it feel better. There are so many phrases that have just made me stop talking to people all together, literally. I don't answer my phone any longer. There is nothing that anyone can say that can make me feel any better, it's just that simple. I'm not trying to get sympathy, I can care less what people think of me. I don't want everyone thinking they can cure me or that I'm choosing to sit here in this pain everyday. I miss you so much Teddy. No one even understands the many many things that trigger me. I can't even go into details. Because I am the type of person that I am, I want to make sure that I don't offend anyone so I keep it all to myself. I don't want to tell them that the stories of their children still alive hurt me. Teddy, I'm so tired......... I know you are trying to comfort me as much as possible and I pray I'm not giving you a hard time. I'm really trying which is why I'm just keeping to myself at this point. It just hurts so bad...........