Holding on to you.........

2013 November 22

Created by Ena 10 years ago
When I do through my nightly ritual every evening when going to bed, the last thing I do is grab your sweater to hold as I sleep. This is how I find myself going through the days. I have to stop and remember something funny you've said or done to bring a smile to my face so I can proceed forward. I chose this picture because it seems like just yesterday that my babies were this size. Like my love, it stays frozen in time in my mind. I wanted to come and say Happy Saturday to you. What are you doing today? Are you sitting in Heaven missing me as much as I miss you? Did you enjoy the time that we shared together in my dreams? I wish I could give you something of mine to sleep with also. Do you come and lay with me at night? I could talk to you all day. I do talk to you all day. It's probably a chore to be able to visit everyone you love and keep up with me pulling on your energy. I know time passes differently there in Heaven. I wish you could speed things up here on earth so I could see you sooner. No Teddy, I don't plan on doing anything to myself to make that happen. I'll be here with Jalen as long as God allows me to. I just miss you so much and some days are so much harder than others. I love you son. Just wanted to drop by and tell you that. Like I do on the other dozen communication devices I set up for you. Trinity Forever and a day Teddy. See you tonight son.....
